Sergeant Lloyd Duncan

Corporal Arleen McBean
General Secretary Division: Public Safety and Traffic Enforcement Branch (PSTEB)

Corporal Arleen McBean presents with the tenacity of our heroine, Nanny of the Maroons. The first and only female Chairman of the Police Federation, she has over the years proven that true representation comes through longevity, under- standing the problems of members’ welfare, and a commitment to the task even in the face of adversities. No stranger to adversities, she is a true beacon for the down trodden, and oppressed. Cpl. McBean is not new to the Welfare fund Management team and served as Chairman and General Secretary.

Before being elected General Secretary she held the portfolio responsibilities of Director of Re- search, Documentation and Technology. During her short stint as Director of Technology, she proceeded to revamp the Police federation’s website and developed the Members Accountability Relationship Management System (MARMS). This was done with the aid of the needs analysis con- ducted which provided a guide to members’ technological needs. MARMS is a historical transformation tool that was designed to allow members to access benefits in real time with a 360 view; while enhancing and strengthening proximity service delivery.

In addition to her many firsts, she was the first to request a Codified Protocol at all Public Medical facilities, for policeman and women injured on duty or sick.

Corporal McBean is the first female Law Enforcement Officer in the Caribbean to host the Carib- bean federation of Police Welfare Association Programs.

Corporal McBean is not judgmental and is a champion of the quote” innocent until proven guilty.” She ensures that members in custody is visited at least once weekly, as her representation transcends home and abroad.

Corporal McBean has an enviable track record, giving rise to what we now call the ‘hair style’ project. We are celebrating the wearing of braids, knob earrings and pastel colour nail polish. No one thought this was possible and shows that Corporal McBean is a phenomenal representative. her versatility is unmatched having held the two leadership positions in the federation, that of Chairman and General Secretary coupled with other portfolio such as Research, Technology and Documentation Officer.